Monday, September 14, 2009


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not consider wearing pajama pants to work out in this morning. Mike and I were going to the college gym and could run into any number of people we go to church with and I would never wear pajama pants out in public. Not me!

I did not, in an attempt to impress my husband, run on the tread mill. I am way too out of shape for that and would never try something so ridiculous! Not me!!

This past week I did not decide to leave a load of clothes in the washer 2 days just cause I didn't feel like putting them in the dryer and folding them. I am always on top of such household chores that the thought never even crossed my mind. Not me!!


Drahdrah said...

Pajama pants ARE workout pants, aren't they? I never feel like laundry, so I definitely understand. Happy NNM

TheAtticGirl said...

Pajama Pants are the new skinny jeans, right? lol I totally can relate though. I love comfy clothes and often times am worried that someone will see me looking like a "bum" and think I'm a dork. But hey, it's the gym you're not supposed to look glamorous (even though the movies lead people to believe everyone looks like a bronze goddess while working out at the gym).

Happy Not me!

RMSLIL said...

Cute! Oh, I did not just cry because I was so impressed that Beyonce gave up her acceptance speech so that Taylor Swift could have her moment she deserved that Jerko took from her. Not me!

Lindsey Rowland said...

Totally agree with the laundry thing. I do the same thing ALL the time. Dont you think someone could come up with something that does the laundry for ya?? LoL