Umm...the girls and I stayed home all week this week...except for the two hours on Tuesday when Shelby had to go to piano. From Sunday night til this morning~we were at home.
And guess was good.
We got a lot of school done, read some "Anne of Avonlea", cleaned some, and enjoyed not having to go anywhere.
I have an announcement...ahem...I think I am turning into a homebody. Usually, I like the schedule and going here, there, and everywhere but this week I have really soaked in being at home. Yes, I am a stay at home mom but most SAHM's can tell you that it doesn't involve staying... well, at home.
There are lessons, appointments, errands, church functions, play dates, Y visits, more errands, library days, and unexpected whathaveyous.
Anyway, today we got out of the house and went to the movies. We saw Tron Legacy.
I almost went to a different movie because it is not my kind of movie.
But, at the last minute, I decided to buy a ticket and go see Tron with Mike and the girls.
I'm so glad I did. Not because I loooovvedd the movie because I didn't, but sitting there between my man and my girls passing candy back and forth, holding hands with them, sharing my pashmina as a blanket, and sharing the experience made it so worth it.
Yeah, I could have went to another movie that was more my kind but I would have missed all that sweet goodness that just made my day. It was REALLY worth it.
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