Friday, January 25, 2008


But I won't. Because it is not mine to share. Jen~~ she is busting at the seams!!

I will tell you when I get the okay from said person that I can share it. But, O, it be some exciting and joyful news!!

Gosh, I want to spill the beans! I am SO pumped about this! (You can tell I grew up in the 80's, right?)

Okay, okay I will get off the subject now because it is dangerous ground. Because I want to tell this special thing~but I can't~but I want to real bad~but I won't. Stay tuned!!!

I want to introduce a new blogger to the bloggy world realm (and yes, I did get permission to share this!!) My sweet, sweet SIL just started herself up a new blawg for all of us to enjoy!

She is over on my blogroll and hers is the longest title on there!!! (J/K Jessie, love ya!)

Her Blog is Lean Not Unto Thine Own Understanding

Go give her some bloggy love. Will ya?

Have a Fabulous Friday, ya'll!!!!!!


Jessie said...

You're not the only one busting girl!
How exciting!!!!!!! I can't wait to spill the beans either!

Julie said...

I don't even have to guess! Your news is very thinly veiled! I may be wrong, but I bet I'm right!!! : )