Monday, May 16, 2011


Ok~so I'm already over my limit of internet. I told Mike I would be back over to the house in 20 minutes and it's already been 30 but I need to blog. I have the blogging itch. Yes, it's real and the only relief is to blog.

I went out to get lettuce at the corner European Foods market this evening and I got lost. Not even kidding. It took me over 20 minutes to get back to where I needed to the CORNER my house. Click on the name and you will see exactly where I was going:)

We went to the National Air and Space Museum at Dulles on Friday. Amazing...if you like that kind of thing...which we do. FIELD TRIP!!! YAhoo!!

Our service was great Sunday and I hope I never, I repeat, NEVER get tired of hearing my husband preach God's Word.

We have some plans for this week that I know the girls will love. I'll write about those after they happen.

Oh and guess what???? I took me TWO weeks to get a library card. I can't believe it took that long. But, the girls and I are properly carded now. Funny story, the girls checked out 2 movies from the library and when we got home they wanted to watch them but couldn't get the cases open. I said you guys are weaklings bring me them stinkin' cases. I tried with my superhuman strength and could not get those dumb things open. Upon closer examination I realized that the little lock on the case meant they were indeed locked. Back in the car we go. We got back to the library while lots of people were coming out.....they were closing...we had 5 minutes to get those bad boys unlocked and back out the door. We did it...with 3 minutes to spare. Note to self~always make sure the little electronic lock is green and open before leaving the library with DVDs.

Oh, I didn't even get to the part about breaking down at the DMV and waiting 3 hours for the tow truck. Which, btw, was worth it because Mike was able to encourage the tow truck driver about his marriage and invite him to our church:)

My time is way gone. Gotta fly. Love you all. Bye~bye:)

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