Thursday, June 12, 2008


Whew~~weeee!!!! It is hot, hot, hot here. It's so hot Shelby decided to practice swimming in the house rather than actually go outside and get in water:~)

We are trying to stay cool and it's not easy. I have been going through closets and the garage and getting rid of stuff by the box and garbage bag full. I don't know what has gotten into me lately but I have been getting rid of lots of stuff.

Our garbage cans were overflowing yesterday when the garbage man came. The recycle bins are getting full and it only gets picked up once a month so I better slow down.

It feels good to get rid of junk that accumulates over the years. I have passed a lot of the girls clothes down to a young family at church. They have two daughters that are exactly the same years apart as Abby and Shelby. It felt good to bless them with LOTS of clothes they can use.

Shelby and Abby riding The Magic School Bus.

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